Thursday, March 14, 2013

Logging in Jaggery

In Jaggery, you can log with different levels i.e. debug, info, warn, error, fatal which can be enabled/disabled using the logLevel parameter in the jaggery.conf.
    "welcomeFiles" : ["index.html"],
    "logLevel" : "debug"

Logging can be done with the desired log level using log.debug(),, log.warn(), log.error() and log.fatal() methods. Also, whether the debug logs are enabled can be checked using log.isDebugEnabled().
var log = new Log();

if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug('This is a debug log');
}'This is an info log');
log.warn('This is a warning log');
log.error('This is an error log');
log.fatal('This is a fatal log');

Get Environment Variables and System Properties in Jaggery

Environment variables and system properties can be read using the process module as below.
var process = require('process');

print(process.getEnvs()); // json object
print(process.getEnv('PATH')); // string
print(process.getProperties()); // json object
print(process.getProperty('jaggery.home')); // string

How to Generate a UUID in Jaggery

A UUID can be generated in WSO2 Jaggery server using the uuid module as below.
var uuid = require('uuid');
var id = new uuid.UUID();

print(id.toString()); // 0af9cb30-f660-4d5c-8d39-28cf87c7e574

How to Execute Tasks in WSO2 Jaggery

If you have come across the requirement of executing timer tasks within a Jaggery code, then you can use the following code to do that. These are the same set of functions that you have in the browser.

You can also use clearTimeout and clearInterval functions to stop the task execution.

One time tasks
setTimeout(function() {
     var log = new Log();'setTimeout() is executed after 2s');
}, 2000);  
Recurring tasks
setInterval(function() {
     var log = new Log();'setInterval() is being executed within 4s intervals');
}, 4000);