As an example, WSO2 Mashup Server has a Twitter Maps Mashup which shows recent tweets in a Google map. In order to have the proper functionality of this mashup independent of the domain where the server is running, it needs to dynamically generate an API key for that domain and use it within the Twitter map mashup. That was the original motivation towards this mashup.
You will need to deploy the following mashup in the WSO2 Mashup Server 2.0.2 or a newer one.
getAPIKey.inputTypes = { "username" : "string", "password" : "string", "url" : "string" }; getAPIKey.output = "string"; function getAPIKey(username, password, url) { var client = new HttpClient(); var code = client.executeMethod("GET", ""); if (code == 200) { var galx = client.cookies[0].value; var content = [ { name : "Email", value : username }, { name : "Passwd", value : password }, { name : "signIn", value : "Sign in" }, { name : "GALX", value : String(galx) }, { name : "dsh", value : "5537526595243201224"}, { name : "rmShown", value : "1"}, { name : "PersistentCookie", value : "yes"} ]; code = client.executeMethod("POST", "", content); if (code == 302 || code == 200) { code = client.executeMethod("GET", "", [ { name : "referer", value : url } ]); if (code == 200) { var response = eval('(' + client.response + ')'); client.releaseConnection(); return response.generated_key; } else { client.releaseConnection(); return new XML(""); } } else { client.releaseConnection(); return new XML(" " + code + "
" + client.statusText + " "); } } else { client.releaseConnection(); return new XML(" " + code + "
" + client.statusText + " "); } } " + code + "
" + client.statusText + "